A Former Police Officer, Veteran of OIF II talking about Games, Movies, and generally weird news.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003


I am thankful for

My Family

My Friends

My Country

and my health.

May God bless you as he has blessed me

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

Who would have thunk it? A little over a year after returning home from a mobilzation in Egypt we are deploying again to Iraq. Now if I were an active duty soldier this would not be such a surprising announcement, but as a National guard member it caught a few members of our unit by surprise. Now don't misunderstand me. Im very proud to be able to serve my country again and Im looking forward to this deployment. My family is very supportive and I know Im a very lucky man. I hope to post my thoughts here on the inter-web and keep a running log of these events.