A Former Police Officer, Veteran of OIF II talking about Games, Movies, and generally weird news.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Who doesnt love the cute cuddly tendrils of doom for the holidays? I would like to have another go at the game again, with an emphasis on the horror aspect instead of the hopelessness aspect of the game. I always appreciate the fact that we are dealing with a abysmally powerful foe, but at the same time there should be a hope of prevailing against him. Much like the Hellboy movie. Just when you think the world is screwed, last minute heroics keep the Earth safer for at least a few minutes more.
So this year, mark it down, we need to gear up for a 3 to 4 week go at the great unknown.


Sunday, December 10, 2006

2 Posts in 1 Year
Fear my Leet Blogging Skillz

Well Im back like a bad rash. After almost a year hiatus i have decided to start blogging again. My topic today will be Vanguard:Saga of Heroes.

Im looking forward to the game for several reasons, and while Im not a rookie anymore to the MMORPG market I realize that anticipation of the next great thing always falls short of the delivered product. Its not thier fault, my expectations are so high no game could meet them. But on release day you hope and pray that your expectations and thier product meet in the middle somewhere.

Speaking of MMO's set aside some time in 2008 for Firefly Online. thats right you Jane wannabes can strap up and hit the old west space. Looking forward to see how they will up the ante on what is availible out there.

Well ill try and post more than every 11 months, but no promises.

Be safe and keep your powder dry.