A Former Police Officer, Veteran of OIF II talking about Games, Movies, and generally weird news.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Smart, Very Smart

I had a great time with this movie. It was very well done and I was immediatly hoping for a sequel. Steve Carrel is perfect for this role and plays the straight man so well. Good chemistry between the actors and the Rock, excellent role for him as well.

Go see it fellow badgers, Get Smart gets 4 Badgers from me.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Top 5 Places I want to see (or have seen) a 4th of July Display.
1. Mt Rushmore: After visiting the site the last few weeks, it has become apparant that it is an awesome place to celebrate America's Independence Day. Activities include a Military Fly over as well as having a spectacular fireworks display.
2. Washington D.C.: I took the kids there several years ago and it made a huge impression on me. It was very inspiring and seeing our nations capital in that light is one of my favorite memories.
3. New York City: I want to see Lady Liberty in a backdrop of fireworks, its definitly on my short term to do list.
4. Boston: Home of the Tea Party. Boston has several events prior to the kick off of fun. It would be a great place to be on the 4th. (Just dont tell my buddy K.C. I would hate for her to think I want to go to Boston on purpose)
5. Philly: Independence Hall, Liberty Bell, Celebration of the Birthplace of America. Say no more.
Well thats the short list, Happy 4th to everyone.