Top 5 Places I want to see (or have seen) a 4th of July Display.
1. Mt Rushmore: After visiting the site the last few weeks, it has become apparant that it is an awesome place to celebrate America's Independence Day. Activities include a Military Fly over as well as having a spectacular fireworks display.
2. Washington D.C.: I took the kids there several years ago and it made a huge impression on me. It was very inspiring and seeing our nations capital in that light is one of my favorite memories.
3. New York City: I want to see Lady Liberty in a backdrop of fireworks, its definitly on my short term to do list.
4. Boston: Home of the Tea Party. Boston has several events prior to the kick off of fun. It would be a great place to be on the 4th. (Just dont tell my buddy K.C. I would hate for her to think I want to go to Boston on purpose)
5. Philly: Independence Hall, Liberty Bell, Celebration of the Birthplace of America. Say no more.
Well thats the short list, Happy 4th to everyone.
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