A Former Police Officer, Veteran of OIF II talking about Games, Movies, and generally weird news.

Friday, May 09, 2008


I am taking a trip to see the Space Shuttle Discovery launch from Kennedy Space Center on May 31st 2008. Its something I have always wanted to see in person and as we are nearing the end of the shuttle years as we know them, I am taking advantage of this limited opportunity.

Im very much looking forward to this.

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

10 Comics on a Deserted Isle

So if you were stranded on a deserted Island, which 10 comics would you bring to while away the years of isolation?

Your List may include TPB's (as a series) as well as individual issues.

This list is not in order of most to least important. They do represent my favorite books.

1. Kingdom Come

Alex Ross = Genius

2. Y: The Last Man TPB #1-10

Brian Vaughn is awesome. I picked this up orignally from the recommendation from a friend and I can't say enough good about this entire series. In fact I wish I didnt have to limit this to just one of his books. If you havent read this you are missing out on some great storytelling. He also limited this book to a finite number (60). I truly miss this book.

3. Watchmen

Theres a reason why this is one of the talked about movies next year.

4. Invincible

One of the best written superhero books out there. It never feels cliche or trite.

5. Ultimates Series 1-2

When this came out it blew my mind. I love it and all the ultimate reimaging thats come with the territory.

6. The Dark Knight Returns

Frank Miller : Should have left well enough alone and let this be his magnum opus.

7. Bone

Jeff Smith really created an icon here. The Great Cow race is still one of my favorites.

8. The Walking Dead

It is so much more than a zombie comic, it shows the best and the worst of humanity. And it has a truly evil, twisted villain ever created in comic book form.

9. Astonishing X-Men run by Joss Whedon

The man has a gift. Buffy, Firefly....X-Men.

10. Fables 1-10

Its one of the must read on my list. I picked it up staring with issue 12 and the story's only keep getting better.

"Illusion, Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money... or candy!"


Monday, May 05, 2008

Avengers Movie
Lets Start Casting

Iron Man: RDJ DuH

Scarlet Witch: Megan Fox

Samuel L Jackson: Nick Fury Again...DuH

Russell Crowe: Thor Come On the Guy can do Norse Thunder God crazy any day of the week.

Brad Pitt: Captain America. Thanks to train for this one, the more I think about it the more I like him for the role.

Angelina Jolie: The Wasp Im going as much for the Mr. and Mrs Smith chemistry based on the Ultimates Novels where she hooks up with Captain America.

Jennifer Garner : Black Widow Cmon, She is the penultimatefemale super spy (Alias anyone)

Jason Stathum: Hawkeye

Alan Tudyk: Antman/Giantman

Now Im running out of space to post pics so ill finish this up with

Ed Norton: Hulk (gimmee)

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So I watched an advanced sceening of Speed Racer this weekend. And I preface this piece by saying I have never watched an episode of the cartoon. I dont know any of the backstory or have any preconcieved notions of what I would expect of the characters. And it was a so-so movie to me. Now the movie is very "Shiny" which is to say its got some state of the art special effects and even inside the movie theres a running background that racing is art and what Speed racer does is create art. Thats what I thought of this movie. Its got a style all its own that has been created and it is just like another running joke of the small kid and the monkey breaking into a candy stash. It feels good early on but after all that sugar it just makes you want to go....Blagh.

Now there were alot of kids 7-13 in the audience and they loved the movie. But for me I was just not pulled into it like I would have like to have been.

So Speed Racer gets 3 out of 5 Badgers from me.

See ya at the Races.


Friday, May 02, 2008

Armored and Dangerous

So last night I went to the premire of the new Iron Man movie. It has instantly become one of my favorite, if not the favorite comic book movie. I wont be giving any spoilers away, but the movie is just done so well, its hard for me to find anything to critize about it. I thought the special effects were so realistic I never felt that there was a Movie.....CGI EFFECTS........Movie. It was all seamless and very well paced.

Robert Downey Jr. Perfect.

Gwyeneth Paltrow Perfect.

Im not the worlds biggest Jeff Bridges fan but in this movie....Perfect.

One of my gripes about the transformer movie was that the fight scenes were so frantic and a blur of action I could never really tell what was going on.

John Favere really shines in this movies as its director. My only hope is not that there will be sequals (which there undoubtably will be) but my hope is that he is chosen to direct a much bigger project (one that is hinted in the small scene after the credits)

So geeks of the world unite.....run, dont walk to your local multiplex and vote with your wallets.

I give it the coveted 5 out of 5 Badgers

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Thursday, May 01, 2008

Happy Snow Day to Me

Well my 40th didnt dissapoint as I experienced Snow for the first time on my birthday. It was a good day here in Denver and my officemates didnt dissapoint with the full over the hill treatment in full effect.
So big entertainment day for me as I plan to look at the beta of Age of Conan and go see Iron Man tonight. I also scored a screen pass to see SPeed Racer Saturday morning.
I plan to post my thoughts after seeing them.