Avengers MovieLets Start Casting
Iron Man: RDJ DuH
Scarlet Witch: Megan Fox
Samuel L Jackson: Nick Fury Again...DuH
Russell Crowe: Thor Come On the Guy can do Norse Thunder God crazy any day of the week.
Brad Pitt: Captain America. Thanks to train for this one, the more I think about it the more I like him for the role.
Angelina Jolie: The Wasp Im going as much for the Mr. and Mrs Smith chemistry based on the Ultimates Novels where she hooks up with Captain America.
Jennifer Garner : Black Widow Cmon, She is the penultimatefemale super spy (Alias anyone)
Jason Stathum: Hawkeye
Alan Tudyk: Antman/Giantman
Now Im running out of space to post pics so ill finish this up with
Ed Norton: Hulk (gimmee)
Labels: Alan Tudyk, Angelina Jolie, Avengers, Brad Pitt, Captain America, Casting, Ed Norton, Hulk, Jason Stathum, Jen Garner, Megan Fox, Movie, Nick Fury, RDJ, Russell Crowe, Samuel L Jackson, Thor